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  • Organic pastured beef bone broth
  • Organic pastured beef bone broth
  • Organic pastured beef bone broth
  • Organic pastured beef bone broth
  • Organic pastured beef bone broth
  • Organic pastured beef bone broth

Organic pastured beef bone broth

Brühwarme Info: Versandbereit ab dem 11.09.2024
Probably the tastiest beef in all of Germany
Gently prepared over 48 hours at 80º
Optimal nutrient content (minerals, amino acids, collagen)
Regular price
Tax included.
Bottle contents 525 ml
Ingredients & Nutritional Values

Ingredients: Drinking water, beef neck bone from Hohenloher Weiderind*, beef neck tendon*, onion*, parsnip*, rock salt, carrot*, porcini mushrooms*, garlic*, apple cider vinegar*, beet sugar*, tomato*, cumin*, juniper*, allspice*, bay leaf* , clove*, pepper*
*from controlled organic cultivation

Additives: none
Allergens: none

May contain traces of fish, soy, gluten, peanuts, sesame.

Serving size / 100 ml
Energy (kJ) / 97 kJ / 23 kcal
Fat < 0.1 g
of which saturated fatty acids < 0.1 g
Carbohydrates / 0.5 g
of which sugar / 0.5 g
Protein / 5.2 g
Salt / 0.85 g
Collagen / 2.88 g

What makes our pasture-raised beef bone broth unique?

Our organic bone broth from grass-fed beef is handcrafted in close collaboration with the Schwäbisch Hall Farmers' Association (BESH). BESH was founded over 30 years ago by Hohenloh farmers as a rural self-help organization. Its goal is to produce healthy food that is in harmony with nature.
This community of small farmers breeds Hohenloher Weiderind cattle - an old and slow-growing breed that is perhaps inferior to conventional cattle in terms of economic efficiency, but meets the highest quality and ethical standards. We receive our raw products directly from the producer and can fully trace the origin of the animals. BESH stands for fair producer prices, sustainable agriculture and species-appropriate animal husbandry.
To produce our organic pasture beef bone broth, we only use neck bones and meat bones as well as neck tendons. The gentle and slow manufacturing process guarantees maximum collagen yield.

What is special about Hohenloher Weiderind?

Bœuf de Hohenlohe (beef from Hohenlohe) is a historical term for healthy, magnificent fattening cattle from the fertile pastures of Hohenlohe. The French-sounding name came about in the late 18th century when the animals were driven all the way to Paris. In French cuisine, their meat was praised primarily for its tenderness and taste. The farmers of the Schwäbisch Hall Farmers' Producer Association (BESH) have adopted this tradition and today breed the famous Hohenloher fattening cattle based on historical models. During rearing, the young cattle graze on the land of the Hohenlohe river valleys Bühler, Kocher and Jagst as well as their side valleys. Lush meadows with herbs and clover are the basis for healthy rearing. In autumn there is pasture removal according to the historical model. The fattening cattle are then placed in stables with straw bedding on the Hohenlohe plain. The producer guidelines prohibit any use of growth promoters.

☆ Taste Guarantee ☆ If you're not completely convinced, your hard-earned money will be refunded.

From the meadow to the bottle - how our broth is made

  • Lush meadows with herbs and clover are the basis for healthy rearing. In autumn there is pasture removal according to the historical model. We source our ingredients for the grass-fed beef broth directly from local producers - which means we can trace their origin exactly.

  • We always use the best ingredients according to an old recipe: We roast the bones with lots of vegetables and refine everything with spices. Our broth then simmers gently at 80º for 48 hours so that the full-bodied taste can develop.

  • After we have finished cooking, we pour the broth into our bulbous bottles while it is still hot. This creates natural protection against germs. We pack everything nicely and safely and when the broth arrives at your door, it will be ready to enjoy for several months.

Customer Reviews

Based on 550 reviews
Renate Turk-Linsbauer

Sehr lecker und läßt sich auch als Basis gut verwenden

Sara Kaysi

Die Lieferung war einwandfrei. Sicher verpackt und schnell versendet.
Geschmacklich muss noch getestet werden

Katrin Ko

Noch konnten wir nicht alles probieren, aber dafür ist die Knochenbrühe schon fast wieder alle.
Geschmacklich sehr gut und gut verträglich.. denn das war am wichtigsten und hat mich zu Euren Produkten geführt. Die verschiedenen bunten Design hat auch unsere Kids neugierig gemacht. Wir freuen uns auf mehr

Ingeborg Krause

Diese Brühe haben wir bisher einmal getrunken, deshalb können wir noch nichts darüber aussagen, ob es mit einer Kollagenbildung klappt. Aber sie schmeckte uns, nur mit Ei verfeinert, sehr gut. Wenn unser Besuch wieder abgereist ist, werden wir die Brühe regelmäßig trinken.

Ein Punkt Abzug

Inhaltsstoffe laut Angabe sehr gut. Preis/Leistung sehr gut. Klaren Abzug muss man bezüglich des erschwerten Aufwands, welchen man zum Öffnen benötigt ( nur mit Werkzeug/Zange möglich), angeben.